Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Duplicate defense spending a big waste

Associated Industries of Florida CEO Barney Bishop writes in today's Florida Sun Sentinel that:

With a national deficit of $1.6 trillion - three times higher than last year - something has to give. If we are to get out of this, our government needs to spend smarter and cut where cuts can be made
Bishop goes on to highlight the alternate engine for the Joint Strike Fighter as a place where cuts can be made. Bishop explains:

While the Joint Strike Fighter has experienced proven success with its current engine, and the alternate engine has been called "unnecessary" by the Department of Defense and several independent studies, funding for this project persists. In fact, Congress has already spent more than $1.6 billion on this program, and an additional $5 billion will be needed over the next several years to have a tangible, working alternate engine. President Obama has threatened a veto if the final defense authorization bill includes funding for the alternate engine.
Full column is here.

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